الثلاثاء، 30 يناير 2018


This email was sent to abdelaziz.amartini@gmail.com because you have registered an account at FreeDoge.co.in. To unsubscribe from future payment notification emails, please opt-out here.

We have just sent a payment of 20.92000000 DOGE to your Dogecoin address DRY9WaXWeQa3ywGpMzSWYkSo5DWmwsvfZ6

To view the transaction, go to https://live.blockcypher.com/doge/tx/31bb30d9b9a1728c3e6e9cd194657cfefd766eb8a25e89523d59f2514c584a88

It might take upto 6 hours for the coins to appear in your wallet. 

If you use a desktop wallet software and are unable to see the coins, please leave your wallet software running to let it sync with the network after which you will be able to see the full balance in your wallet.




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